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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Speed Up Your Site! 8 ASP.NET Performance Tips (part 3)

How can I decrease the bandwidth that my site uses?
ASP.NET abstracts a lot of traditional web development details from the developer. Just drag and drop a few controls on a form, set some properties, write a little bit of code, and -- bam! -- you've got a functioning web site.
However, that doesn't mean the resulting HTML markup will necessarily be efficient or small. It's not unusual to see ASP.NET pages that contain more than 100 kilobytes of markup. I recommend that you keep a close eye on the HTML markup that results from your ASP.NET web pages -- to keep these file sizes in check can sometimes require additional effort, which is one reason we covered the topic of web standards in Chapter 9, ASP.NET and Web Standards.
The first rule of ASP.NET bandwidth control is to know how large your pages are. In Internet Explorer, the File > Properties dialog will tell you how many kilobytes of HTML markup the current page has produced, as Figure 15.2 shows. Firefox has a similar dialog, pictured in Figure 15.3, which can be accessed by selecting Tools > Page Info.
Figure 15.2. Viewing page information in Internet Explorer
Figure 15.3. Viewing page information in Firefox
However, note that the Size field in Firefox reports a much smaller number than does IE 7 -- 13,976 bytes versus 49,774 bytes. That's because Firefox shows the actual number of bytes that came down over the wire, whereas IE 7 shows the size of the page after it has been received by the browser.
How is such a discrepancy possible? Well, the ASP.NET web site uses HTTP compression to decrease the page size before sending the page. HTTP compression is a W3C standard that allows the server to provide a GZIP-compressed version of the HTML content to the client, at the cost of a very minor increase in CPU time. The client receives the compressed content, then decompresses it on the fly before rendering the page. Right off the bat, you can see that this is just one easy way to reduce the amount of bandwidth you use by an impressive 72% -- simply flip the switch to enable HTTP compression for your web site.
You can enable HTTP compression in two ways. The first takes place at the web server level; the second is implemented via a custom HTTP module at the ASP.NET application level.
Enabling HTTP Compression Support in IIS 6
Use the IIS Service Manager to enable HTTP Compression in IIS 6. Right-click the node for your web site and select Properties. The Service tab contains the settings relevant to compression, as Figure 15.4 shows.
Manual Configuration is Only Necessary in IIS 6
That's right: it's only necessary to configure IIS to enable HTTP compression in IIS 6 and earlier, as IIS 7 enables static compression by default. Windows Server 2008 (which had yet to be released at the time of this writing) may offer a user interface to configure dynamic HTTP compression, but Vista's IIS Manager doesn't.
Figure 15.4. Configuring HTTP compression in IIS 6
The compression setting available in the GUI works; however, it only affects static content, such as HTML pages and CSS files. This setting won't do anything to compress dynamic content in ASPX pages. We must resort to editing the metabase -- the IIS database for configuration and metadata storage -- to deploy dynamic content compression:
  • Open the metabase in Notepad. For IIS 6, this is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\MetaBase.xml. For IIS 5, the file is a binary file, so you'll need to download the Meta-data Edit tool instead.
  • Search for the tag. There should be two entries: one for deflate and one for GZIP -- the two methods of compression that IIS supports. By default, IIS uses GZIP; deflate is rarely used.
  • Search for the HcScriptFileExtensions section. Add to the list aspx, asmx, php, cgi, and any other file extensions that you want dynamically compressed. Follow the existing format carefully -- it's return-delimited, and any extra spaces will prevent the file extensions from working. Make the same changes in both deflate and GZIP.
  • Set HcDynamicCompressionLevel to level 9 (it has a default value of 0, which means "no compression"). I recommend level 9, based on several reports that I've read on the Web suggesting that level 10 requires much more CPU time, while offering only a minimal reduction in file size over level 9. Make this change for both deflate and GZIP.
Note that this is a global compression rule that will affect all web sites. This setting is usually what you'll want, since HTTP compression is so effective and the cost is nominal. However, some poorly coded ASP.NET web sites may be incompatible with compression. In those circumstances, you may want to enable or disable compression on a per-site or per-folder basis -- a setting that's also supported by IIS. The easiest way to configure this setting is to use the command line adsutil.vbs utility:
C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts\>adsutil.vbs set w3svc/ (site#) /root/DoStat  
➥icCompression False  
C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts\>adsutil.vbs set w3svc/ (site#) /root/DoDyna  
➥micCompression False
The (site#) number can be obtained from the log properties dialog in the IIS server properties, and usually takes the form W3SVCn, where n is an arbitrary site number.
Enabling HTTP Compression Support in an ASP.NET Application
Perhaps you don't have control over the IIS settings on your server. Or maybe you'd just like a way to enable compression for your specific ASP.NET application. That's possible too.
The open source HttpCompress library is very easy to incorporate into an ASP.NET web site. First, download the latest version of HttpCompress from the official web site.
Place the blowery.Web.HttpCompress.dll binary somewhere logical, and add a reference to it.
Next, add the following compression-specific configuration section to your site's Web.config:
Example 15.5. Web.config (excerpt)

 <sectionGroup name="blowery.web">
   <section name="httpCompress"  
 <httpCompress preferredAlgorithm="gzip" compressionLevel="high">
     <add type="image/png" />
     <add type="image/jpeg" />
     <add type="image/gif" />
Finally, bring the actual compression HTTP module into the pipeline:
Example 15.6. Web.config (excerpt)

   <add name="CompressionModule"  
Once this is in place, you should see compressed ASPX content being returned to the browser. To verify that this is the case, use Port80 Software's convenient Real-Time Compression Checker.
One limitation of the HttpCompress module approach is that only ASPX content that forms part of your application will be compressed; the CSS and JavaScript aren't served through the ASP.NET ISAPI handler, and will therefore remain uncompressed. As such, I recommend that you enable compression at the web server level whenever possible, so that these files also gain the benefits of compression.

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